How To Use

LOL Hacks Setup

🚫 Close Discord overlay. How to turn off Discord?
🔒 Use DefenderControl to disable Defender. Uninstall other antivirus/malware.
⚙️ Enable ‘Prefer old Drx9 mode’ in League of Legends settings. 🎥 Watch video.
🔧 Install AIO Runtimes, download latest LolHacks from our Discord.
📁 Extract .RAR into C:/ folder.
🚀 Run LolHacks.exe, enter purchased key in loader.
✅ If time left appears after clicking ‘OK’, all good. Test in-game.
⚠️ If key error, remove trailing space and retry.
📝 Note: Script closes loader when active. Open before each game.
❗️ Still having trouble? Create Discord ticket.


❌ Rune programs may crash. Uninstall all.
✅ Only OP.GG works with script!
⚠️ Script closes loader when active. Open before each game.
🖥️ Windows 10 and 11 only.


⌨️ Left Shift: 📋 Menu
⌨️ Space: 💥 Combo
⌨️ V: 🧹 Corridor Cleaning
⌨️ C: 🎯 Poke the Enemy
⌨️ X: 💢 Minion Final Strike
⌨️ K: 🔄 Auto Evade ON/OFF


🔹 Evade: 🤸 Dodge opponent spells.
🔹 Prediction: 🔮 Predict enemy movements for better skill usage.
🔹 OrbWalker: 🚶‍♂️ Last hits, attack while moving. Customizable.
🔹 Target Selector: 🎯 Prioritize targets, direct attacks and skills.
🔹 DelaySetting: ⏳ Natural delays between actions.
🔹 Activator: 🤖 Automated actions (wards, spells, items).
🔹 Combo: ⚔️ Execute attack combinations with logic for all champions.
🔹 Drawing: 🎨 Display wards, cooldowns, ranges, and movements.
🔹 Tools: 🔧 Customization, language selection.
🔹 Config System: 💾 Save settings, share configs.
🔹 Reliable Anti-Cheat Bypass: 🛡️ Minimal ban risk if played carefully.

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